Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Time to Go" (from September 5, 2009)

Being home from the mission the last 2 months has been good. I've been able to start new things, learn from old things, and re-acquaint myself with those things already here. I've been able to start college (which has been pretty good so far), go to the temple more (great as well), and be able to date more (uhhh....thats been a different story, but we'll move on.) So far, so good. But on those days where lack of job success, dating failures, and overall no finite structure on things....sometimes i just want to go back. Not a permanent stay, but maybe a week or two. I want to go back...

...back to Georgia.

I can still remember when i stepped out of that truck on my way to the first apartment in Albany, GA i was verrrrrry overwhelmed. That same afternoon, i was sitting on the couch in the main living room and thought to myself, "Man....what have i got myself into? Will i survive for the two years?"

As you can tell, i did. I grew as maturity, testimony, and of course my weight. (yep, i grew thunder-thighs.)

But things were definitely not easy. I got yelled at, cussed out, and a AA battery thrown at me out of a school bus. There was the stress of trying to find new people to teach AND being able to keep them interested in learning more about the restored gospel. You have to pray your butt off and fast hard for them, which can bring big tests of your faith. It was hard to stay positive.

But i don't dwell on those things. I think on the positive memories i had:

-killing more roaches that i've had in my whole life
-the brown sweat stains on the white shirts
-Hopeland Gardens and their Christmas lights
-seeing snow in the South!
-many tie compliments
-riding the super-slow Macon city bus
-the "welfare cat" of Dublin
-driving through the flooded streets of Savannah in a Corolla
-the experience on the one and only River St.
-going to the beach ('t..allowed...oops)
-grilling steaks on the front porch of the Thomasville house
-tracting in absolute downpours and getting multiple blisters on my toes due to soggy feet
-walking down empty country roads in the middle of nowhere trying to find house to tract
-taking 45-50 minutes to bike 3 miles on a very sandy road
-introductions to Zaxby's, Kobe', grits and BBQ'd dove meat on a stick
-and i cant forget....Gloria Tuten, Scott Williams, Christa Williams, Kirby Williamson, Chris Curry, Tamia Curry, Brooke Robbins, Amie Conley, and Tyler Neismith. :)

Many memories, but i can NEVER EVER forget the wonderful members in each of my areas. I formed friendships with people i will never forget and hopefully they know that. I hope those friendships can last for a long time (see you hopefully at my wedding whenever that is.)

Although i enjoy being home very much, again....sometimes, if i could go back to the place i was spiritually born; to get away from the stress of RM-homelife...i would.

As Elder McKee penned in a song, "It's time to go...down to Georgia, i know. It's where im meant to be". For a week or two, that'd be great.

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