Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Brain Fart" (from January 4, 2010)

So last night, i was desperately trying to figure out something to write on here. I tried and would think i got something, then would get frustrated and have a blank face and have to delete what i typed since it would've made no sense. It was concluded that i was having brain farts, or an involuntary release of ignorance. My mind was totally blank. I had a few things on my mind that i wanted to get out, but would only come up short. So then it hit me as i was going to bed last night and continued pondering this morning....sometimes when we think we got it all figured out and know the ending, thats when challenges come and tempt us to give up. At that point when we think that, thats when a new window is opened in a way.

Recently, i've encountered the notion of: "oh, theres something i definitely know and want in my life, but i'll go out of my way to go for the gamble that MIGHT work instead of something with a greater chance of working." In other words, ditch a better chance at a sure thing for something thats not a sure thing but has a slim chance of being one. I don't know, but call me old-fashioned but when i find something i like or feel is a sure thing, i like to stick with it. That doesn't mean at all that im not going to go try new things, so don't think that at all. But ake for example this: say a young lady has certain qualities about her that i like and think mesh really well with mine, im going to stick with her. If it works, then awesome. if not, then i'll move on and keep looking and try to find someone else. I'm loyal like that, just something i've been raised to be. But i see a lot how someone likes someone who, might not be the best looking or have the coolest things, but has the qualities that actually mean something important. Then, out of nowhere, they want to go chase someone that doesn't quite have the things of the first, but they gamble on the chance of getting something greater even when thats no guarantee. It can cause hurt feelings and maybe resentment. And if the gamble doesn't work, then what is left? (thats a rhetorical question)


Today, i also had to do something that wasn't the most comfortable. For the longest time (even when i was in Georgia) i wanted to enroll in BYU-Idaho sometime in the Spring. Looking back, it looked like a great plan. I was gonna be home in July which would leave me a few months to find a job, save some money, and take some classes at the local community college so i could then transfer in April. Sounded great. Well, i did take classes at the community college and did fairly well too, but the job thing is still a work in progress unfortunately (only one interview in 6 months). Now that its January and im still looking for work and school starts in April, i was getting anxious about saving money so i didnt have to rely wholly upon FAFSA money, i had to change things. I realized that i need some time to save money and take care of some other things first. I changed my enrollment to Fall 2010, which starts in September. It sucked big time to have to do that, but again then i gotta remember.... "sometimes when we think we got it all figured out and know the ending, thats when challenges come and tempt us to give up. At that point when we think that, thats when a new window is opened in a way."

i guess thats a miracle of a brain fart, huh?

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