Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Bus Ride" (from August 19, 2010)

Soooo....i remember back a few months ago, i tried to make this analogy and it got very jumbled and confusing even so much that i didnt see it and got a little sibling ribbing *cough, Bryan, cough* from it. So with the help of some oh-so-yummy-in-my-tummy white chocolate raspberry cheesecake from Olive Garden to help out (OK, i have to admit....whenever i feel i have a good idea of something to write, food somehow is always involved. What can i say, food tends to be a good muse for me, lol) but i'll try to make a little bit more sense this time, 'cause if bro will be on the prowl, hahaha.

Ok, so pretty much i'm sure that we've all ridden the bus before. when we need to get somewhere while trying to save gas in the car and if there's lack of a car or you're plain tired of walking or biking. It can be fun sometimes and a good, relaxing change of pace. You get to meet lots of different people: old and young, loud and quiet, drunk and sober, etc. You can strike up some good conversations with people you've never met before and may never see again, or you can just crank up the iPod and jam to some tunes (thats me most of the time). I like to also just sometimes stare out the window and see life being lived by those outside and just pondering/thinking. When setting up this scenery, i like to turn it into an analogy. I have a habit of making analogies out of a lot of things, even donuts (you'll have to ask about that one, lol).

But i look at this as an analogy of life....(this is where i hope i make sense)....We're all sitting on a bus, waiting to reach our specific destination. Our destinations are plans/goals/things we want to do in life. When approaching our stop when we really are on a bus, we've made specific plans to get off at that stop and head to wherever we're going. When we're done, we get back on and head to the next destination. When on our "life bus", we all have certain goals we want to reach i.e. school, marriage, family, career, etc. All of us, at different points in life, are heading to places like this and when we reach them we'll get off and sojurn in that. Its not happening at the same time, just like we all dont get off at the same stop all at the same time.

Now of course, our trip isn't always smooth sailing. the trip may take a long time, with us sitting there perhaps growing impatient and wondering, "when will i get to where i want!" or "will i ever get to that point in life?" Sometimes, we get so impatient with the length of the ride that we simply settle for a stop and get off, which isn't always the best idea. It's sad to see when somebody gets off too early and you wonder if they'll ever make it to the ultimate stop....i've had a brother do that already.

For me personally (and just like everybody else) the trip has its challenges and ups and downs. I've voluntarily got off for two years to serve the Lord in Georgia, which i dont or ever will regret. Also for those two years, i believed i had the perfect person in mindto share my life with only to get off the "bus" and be told "Sorry, this wont happen" and i had to get back on....Also, i've seen a stop ahead and got wrong information and assumed things about that stop, only to pass it by and then be filled with regret....with life, as with this, you have to keep going hoping things will all work out.

But with this bus, you wont get kicked off or thrown off by the driver (theres numberless buses, but we all have the same driver if you know what i mean...we each have our own life, but its guided by the same Being, God.) We wont be forced to make a stop. But (to take a little bit from Inception) if we decide to kick back and just sit on our can and dont do anything, we can all grow to be old and filled with regret waiting to die. Sometimes, the most we can do is take a leap of faith with both feet. We're all waiting for our stop to come, we all think we know when it'll be or exactly where it'll take place, but aren't sure just yet. But thats where our faith and hope kicks in to give assurance. If we dont act, life will just pass us by.

So, as we are, i continue to sit and wait to approach my next stop. its 2 1/2 weeks away, but im ready to get there. When i get to that point, theres another stop im anticipating on making, but we'll see how everything unfolds. Til then, i'll try to give it a good shot to simply enjoy the ride. perhaps we can keep each other company til we make that great, grand, final stop one day.

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