Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Be who you are, 'cause who you are is what you is" (from January 17, 2011)

(try to translate that one, haha)

having just returned from my best friend's wedding and seeing all the love and such everywhere, it tends to be on your mind quite a bit. obviously, im not quite there yet with the whole being married. im still on "trying to find the right one to date regularly" (definitely a challenge) So with that in mind, i actually get to my point. With plenty of time to think about it (driving through wyoming does that to you)...

One of the few things that some people say that annoys the crap out of me besides "well if it makes you feel any better,...." is when i hear some tell me "just be yourself"

so technically what is being "just yourself"?...

My friend Emma said to me earlier last week is that all of us have different sides of what we are. We're not just one thing, but a blob of multiple parts; the hard part is which one we let show at different times. Some may think, "wait what???" But go with me on this one. When we act one way that isnt typically seen by others but still something we do, then the first thought is to go "they're not being themselves". Now dont get me wrong, if all of the sudden start being a know-it-all or some kind of wankster, then yeah im not being myself. Making sure which side shows can be tricky because sometimes we try to act one way and its taken as something else, then misinterpretations take place. But as for me, speaking from my own standpoint, i have many sides.

Theres the:

-Spiritual/mature peter
-jokester peter
-"eeyore" peter
-grouchypants peter
-super nice guy peter
-competitive peter
-aaaaand everything else in-between

When you put them altogether, you get the whole me. individually, they're not really all that much and are really boring. Of course, i have to make another food analogy with this one. Think of your all-time favorite meal to have with your favorite side-dishes. One or two sides is ok i suppose, but when you have them all; it really makes the meal all that much better. So it is with all of us. When it comes to love, everyone has different sides to them and you must recognize that so that you can love them for the whole person they are. Love is two imperfect people coming together to become a perfect one. So you gotta take them all or, or get the crap outta here. haha :)

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