Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"One Thing I Want Most" (from August 20, 2009)

That's one of those questions you tend to think, "well....there is one thing i really, reeeeeeeeeeeally want." Then a whole laundry list of random crap and materialistic junk that they want. Honestly, i'll indulge temporarily a bit. My top 3 would include:

1.) being the GM of the Utah Jazz, bringing them their much needed championship.
2.) owning an Atlanta Bread Company or Cold Stone. Why? 'Cause i could get free food....and im a fatty.
3.) a 2010 Chevy Camaro, so i can have something fast and grossly overpowered.

But for me, in all honesty, want something different. None of this stuff above really matters in the grand scheme of things. The one thing i want more than anything else...

is a family.

Next week, me and my family get to go to Boise for my cousin's wedding at the Boise Temple. I'm so stoked that i get to participate with the whole thing. I wanted to wait until after the whole wedding trip to type this, but i probably would've forgotten some of the things i wanted to put down. Now, i do have to warn you....its gonna get reeeeeeally cheesy in here. Yep, your half-empty box of White Cheddar Cheez-Its on the counter got nothing on how cheesy im gonna get.

-I've heard a lot of guys talk A LOT about how their future wife will be like or look like, etc. Like, "man, shes gonna be 5'7" with green eyes and a Size 2 and awesome hair and such a babe!" So pretty much all about the looks and how big of a trophy wife she can be. Everytime i was told that, i thought to myself " glad im not that superficial." Now, don't get me have to be attracted to your spouse. You dont want to wake up every morning and look at the person and go, "AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" That'd be a very bad thing....For me, i have a little bit of a list of my own of her qualities that matter more.

-strong testimony of the Church
-good personality (bubbly, funny, can dish out sarcasm...thats a plus)
-has musical talent (sing or play instrument) or loves music and appreciates it
-good family
-finally, attractive to me (if someone else doesn't think so, then poo on them. all that matters is that i think she's beautiful)

To me, i just get a huge smile on my face at the thought that theres a girl out there that'll actually WANT to wake up next to me, have a family, and spend time and all eternity with little ol' me. I imagine looking into her eyes and smiling all goofy like and think to myself, "'re so beautiful. And i get to spend all eternity with you??? WOOOOHOOOOO!!!" The reception will be amazing. My mom and my wife will be in tears, my dad with a "thats my boy!" look on his face and me just smiling away. All in all, i want my wife to be "A.T.W.". What the heck does that mean you say? It stands for "Always Temple Worthy". I feel that if they're always temple worthy, she'll be doing everything can to be a great person which makes them uber-desirable. But thats just me. :)

Yes, i DO want children. Moments im anticipating: 1.) holding them in my arms for the very first time and just taking a moment to think about where they just came from and the love i have for them. 2.) Being able to give them a name and a blessing. 3.) watching them grow up in the gospel, go through different experiences, and have their own children; thus the cycle continues. HOORAY FOR POSTERITY!!!!

Me personally, i want so bad to have daughters. I look at my nieces and go, "daughters are just more adorable." (no offense to jonathan) Yes, girls are a handful and can be trouble later on, but i cant wait for the moment when one of my girls looks up at me with puppy-dog eyes and says in a sweet little voice, "daddyyyyy?????? Then me, being the big and tough looking dad, says ".....yes sweetie, what is it?" Because i may look gruff and mean on the outside (especially now with having gone 3 days not shaving),but on the inside im a big white teddy bear. True story.

I know that this is a "hope" right now, not a "sure thing, and if not, im gonna kick somebody's dog." I have strong hopes for a family. Again, it may sound really cheesy but...oh well. So be it.

I want to be able to tell my teenage kids that their mom is "a babe"...I want to be an old man and hold hands with my wife of X number of years and be able to cuddle watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, both of us shouting answers at the TV. I want to be at the side of my wife as she passes quietly on the other side, knowing for a surety that i'll be with her again and that death is just another door to pass through. I want my children to know that their dad loved them and their mom, was a righteous Priesthood holder, and taught them the truth.

Recently, i listened to this one song from Ben Folds, "The Luckiest". As noticed by my status, i love the song. I want to, one day, look into my wife's eyes and tell/sing her:

"I don't get many things right the first time
In fact, I am told that a lot
Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls
Brought me here
And where was I before the day
That I first saw your lovely face?
Now I see it everyday
And I know
That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest
What if I'd been born fifty years before you
In a house on a street where you lived?
Maybe I'd be outside as you passed on your bike
Would I know?
And in a wide sea of eyes
I see one pair that I recognize
And I know
That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest
I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you
Next door there's an old man who lived to his nineties
And one day passed away in his sleep
And his wife; she stayed for a couple of days
And passed away
I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way to tell you that I know we belong
That I know
That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest" (Ben Folds, "The Luckiest)

Til then...

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