Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Head First" (from October 7, 2010)

Hmmm...i figure i have a little bit of time before i need to get to my first class today, so why not power out a note before then! eh? eh?!

(Reflection time)....uh oh, you asked for it.

For as long as i remember, i've always hated to go swimming. Sure, i liked to wade around here and there but never really swim. Why? I never learned, or actually, never wanted to learn. I was scared of drowning, scared or failing in a way. Even when i thought i could pass through the fear, that first step was the hardest and i cowered. So today, im still a 6'3" lead weight in water.

Just like me and swimming, some choices and decisions we have to make in life are scary and we're pretty hesitant about jumping in. Perhaps its a relationship, what to study in college, which job to take, a financial sacrifice, or heck...if someone is that big of a pansy,  deciding which can of peaches to buy. All of those (ok, maybe not the last one) take a lot of thought and pondering and require us to make a choice that we can't fully see the outcome of. So what do we do?

One of my favorite scriptures in the Book of Mormon is Ether 12:6. I think it applies here,
-"And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen, wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.

What i love about that is that it says we don't receive the witness until AFTER our faith has been tried. You can't expect to just be given the answer you're seeking if you're sitting on your butt, you have to do something and then it'll come. In one of my favorite movies "Inception", theres a concept spoken of a few times of "being willing to take a leap of faith, or growing old to be an old man filled with regret, waiting to die alone." So my opinion says this: when making hard decisions like the ones listed above, (again, minus the're on your own for that one.)  jump right into the pool. Study it all out, recognize those feelings from the Holy Ghost and other good feelings, then jump head first in. But also be open to changes for good that may or may not happen, but fix that as a course and have the faith to believe that you'll receive a witness that it was a good choice. When it comes, you'll be verrrrrrry grateful for what you went through to get to that point.

But if you're going to leap, my advice is that it's always best done with company :)

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