Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"The Good Guy" (from August 16, 2009)

(Now i know, i know...i've been pumping these blogs out one after the other for like the last few days. Does that mean i have a lot on my mind? Well...yes. I have so much hot air in my head to release, it compares to the after effect of eating about 4 double decker tacos and a Baja Blast Mountain Dew (man, thats good) from Taco Bell.

Sometimes, they're serious and thought provoking. Most of the time, its far from serious and stupor of thought provoking. But this one, i had to get out.)

You've seen him out there, huh? No, not really? He kinda blends into the crowd a lot of times, huh? He's not the guy who's out there like, "hey everybody...LOOK AT HOW AWESOME I AM!" He's not driving that cheap piece of crap wannabe street racing car that makes you think "wow...he's compensating for something. poser!" He's quiet and shy, yet can be a big goofball and make you smile. Kinda hard to read at times, yet readable like a book at other times. Big weirdo, what the heck is he?

...He's the "good guy".

the "good guy"? He's not some wimpy sensitive guy that who's got the kleenex box closeby when watching 'The Notebook', is he? OH HECK NO! This "good guy" is kind of like a....a porcupine. Ogres may be like onions and have layers, but im using the porcupine there!

Why a porcupine? Not only because its a cuddly little forest creature, but its covered in thorns. The outside looks less than inviting and scary. But the inside is different. The inside character could be sweet and nice. That is what im talkin' 'bout, Willis.

This "good guy" has the scruff of someone who hasnt shaved in three days, yet stays up late to console a friend in need. This "good guy" threatens to 'hulk out' on some punk wanting to start crap, but always claims to be "as harmless as a newborn kitten." This "good guy" has a tendency to be a jerk, but believes being brutally honest is the best way to prevent future heartbreak.

It tends to be lonely for the "good guy" at times, but he's got his close friends to keep him sane (they know who they are). The good will someday get better. The whole patience thing is a killer.

So where is this "good guy"? He seems wanted by lots of people, but when in passed by. I was gonna go look for him so i could find out who the heck he is, but then....

i looked in the mirror and saw him.

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