Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Sunday Thinking" (from January 2, 2011)

So there i was...just sitting there in Priesthood today. It had been a pretty good sunday so far. Testimony meeting was positive, not a rehashing of possible personal problems from some people; sunday school was good and informative, and Priesthood was pretty packed for the first time seemed like ever! (ok, granted i've only been in the Laredo Branch for around a year, but still...) and then it happened...a spiritual mega-slap to the face. One of those, "A-ha!" type moments that happen from time to time. In relating a lesson that was based around making positive changes for the new year, this scripture was shared from Esther.

"For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? ---Esther 4:14 (obvious emphasis on the last line)

The point?'ve come to the right place! The teacher was trying to make the point of us being where we are for an actually good reason. Then that when i thought...(DANGER: Peter thinking now)

-Why am i here in Aurora, CO at this particular point in time?
-Why am i in the particular ward that i am and have the friends that i have?
-Why was i chosen to serve a mission in Georgia?
-Why wasn't i able to find a job only after  i chose to postpone going to BYU-I this last fall instead of last spring like i wanted?

essentially, "who knoweth whether (I) art come to the (insert place) for such a time as this?"

Have you ever thought about that?

It all comes down that we are where we are for a specific and particular reason. God's the only one that knows the truth and reason why. I mean, i'll the first one waiting in the "guilty line" for questioning why. (all my friends can wait in line right behind me, since we all do it. lol) I want sooooo bad to be back at school in Rexburg to continue there and to start some other things anew. I was even in a huge funk earlier this week 'cause i was having withdrawals from there. You know, "Why the crap am i here? I want to leave and go be with friends and get more schooling under my belt." When i tend to do that and think too much on stuff i cant control and let it get to me, i go crazy cranky and, in turn, makes all my friends go crazy 'cause they have to hear it from me.

So...whats does this mean in this context?

-  I'm here in Aurora for a reason (reason yet to be fulfilled)
-I'm in my ward because i have something to contribute to it to help it grow
-I have the friends i do because their influence is meant to bless my life, and in turn i can do the same for them.
-I served in Georgia because the Lord needed me there to grow personally and spiritually. Physically born in Idaho, spiritually born in Georgia.
-I had the wait because my job i got helped me immensely to pay for school AND live comfortably also that perhaps another job couldn't do, plus i met so many people this fall that i might not have met if i came in the spring.

The lesson learned from all this, and pretty comforting, is to know that God has us where we are for a reason. We just have to learn why.

Hmmmm....good thing i left my thinking cap on for church.

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