Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Georgia, oh Georgia" (originally from January 2010)

---This is one i wrote about a year ago when i had been home for about 7 1/2 months and my feelings on it. Well...obviously, a ton of time has past since that time and it came to my mind again today. Im adding a little more to it, so it'll be newer to those that have read it and an even bigger read for those who havent. Mazel Tov.

"Georgia, Oh Georgia...
how've you been my old friend?
It's been seven months and a half since i reached the end.
Sorry i had to leave, the time was set to go
But i had to be home, so fair is fair ya know?
When i opened my letter and saw Gerogia, i thought i'd be quite prepared
Although inside, i must admit, i was really really scared.
Three weeks were plenty of time over at the MTC,
Yet after leaving i felt like screaming, "Wait, come back for me!"

Georgia, Oh Georgia...
remember when in Albany i first stepped out that car?
I was incredibly lost, with home being oh so far.
It was definitely something different than being in Colorado
You try to ignore it, but two years seems much to far to go.
But i had to suck it up and admit that this was life!
Hoping the girl i was writing would someday be my wife.

Georgia, Oh Georgia...
the time seemed slow and just a big struggle.
Investigators, members, appointments, and everything else were a lot to juggle.
But time on and i began to slowly adjust,
Going along with the craziness turned out to be a big must.
No mom here to do your laundry or cook your food,
Ramen, Easy-Mac, and Eggo waffles means you're on your own, dude.

Georgia, Oh Georgia...
there were good comps and bad ones too...its just the way it is
Labeling your food is a good thing to separate your food from his.
When your day completely falls through, you just want to scream.
Although some of those were fixed with some Blue Bell ice cream.
Tracting is hard and most of the time just plain sucks,
Never have i seen so many ghetto sleds and modified trucks.

Georgia, Oh Georgia...
I was able to make so many new friends!
The length of such i hope never ever ends.
Despite my dorkiness, i was shown so much love;
I'll never forget when i first ate BBQ'd dove.
Oh and just a quick favor, if you so please...
Chicken's just not the same, so send me a Zaxby's!

Georgia, Oh Georgia...
Torrential downpours are just how it goes,
During one in T-Ville, i got many blisters on my toes.
And also you sweat and sweat and sweat some more too,
Brown and yellow shirts, ripped pants, and worn out shoes will happen to you.
So load up on ties and your zebra pens as well,
Your stuff will absolutely go through hell.

Georgia, Oh Georgia...
The time is coming to its end,
My family is waiting and theres time with them i want to spend.
Being born in Idaho, no one gave to much care;
But in Georgia?...i was spiritually born there.
Its over now. The airport was such a big fat pain,
Time to board now...i'm heading home on that plane.

Georgia, Oh Georgia...
how've you been my old friend?
It's been seven months and a half since i reached the end.
I think about you every now and again,
Without you, i dont know who i could've been.
Although some things haven't worked out like i planned it,
Like Ben Folds once said, "Come pick me up...i've landed."

Georgia, Oh Georgia...
...Do you still remember me?
It's been a long time and im a bit different, you see.
A year and half away tends to change a man
Some moments have been great, and no fan.
Im still learning, still fighting, still figuring my potential as i grow
If i came back to visit and say hi, would you even know?

Georgia, Oh Georgia...
You moved on no doubt since i left in the air,
Heck, you've even had it snow fair!
But overall, i bet you're still the same ol' Peach,
I love my mountains and my cold air, but missing you is no reach.
But can you please do something about those mosquitoes and sand gnats?
Besides bringing Zaxby's out west, that my wish and thats that.

Georgia, Oh Georgia...
Looking back, i have my share of regrets...
I wasnt bad, but i have moments that i want to forget.
Being young and immature, i caused quite a few headaches to some of my peers,
i hope i wont be too hated for it over the days, months and years.
It was at the end of it all that it hit me fully and i got to realize,
Working hard til is the end is so worth it, but in the end...time still flies.

Georgia, Oh Georgia...
I will come back for you someday later on in my  life,
Maybe a carriage ride through Savannah with my beloved wife.
Perhaps hit up T'Ville and watch the Rose Festival with the kids,
Or relax on Hilton Head at the beach and close our eyelids.
Riding on that midnight train like Gladys 'cause its on my mind like Ray,
To all who made that whole ride worthwhile, "thank you" is all i have to say."

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