Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Lessons from Georgia" (from January 13, 2010)

...Tonight during Institute, it got me thinking (yes, i know...that rarely happens) and i was like, "Man...there was a ton of things that i learned on the mission in Georgia." Now, i learned plenty of spiritual things there that i cant possibly list and give it due justice, so i'll just list the fun stuff that this tall, white Idaho-born but Colorado-raised westerner learned in the dirrrrrrrty South.

-During the summer, you will sweat profusely going to get your mail that is only 50 or so yards away.

-When someone tells you to "cut the light" or "cut that switch off"....dont think its literal. You'll look dumb.

-The 3 meals of the day...breakfast, dinner, supper...arguing that is very futile. When we'd knock on doors and were told that they were having dinner, i'd almost always look at my watch and go, "But its only 2:30 PM?!"

-Never put thinly wrapped watermelon-quater from Harvey's in the same drawer as an open onion. I was dared to eat it all (thanks Brant for that one, lol) and i thought i was gonna die with how bad watermelon and onion taste together.

-Car washes in the Spring are useless. Your car is turned green by the mass amounts of pollen and as soon as you wash the car, it'll be green in a few hours again. It made car inspections very hard to win, lol.

-You dont tract during Florida-Georgia'll get lots of no answers, slammed doors, and many swear words. And also...don't diss Uga.

-Stevie B's is better than Cici's.

-Zaxby's has the BEST CHICKEN YOU WILL EVER HAVE!!! You can't argue with me or many other converts to Zaxby's. And thus it is, forever and ever amen.

-Catfish is simply AMAZING

-Saying "Y'all" for me was hard and it made me sound even more Western than ever before. I was stuck on "How are you all doing?".

-IMPORTANT LIFE LESSON ALERT: If you have to say something mean or negative, preface your sentence with the phrase, "bless your heart" (of course, "your" can be substituted for "his", "her", "their", etc). Saying "bless your heart" automatically makes everything better. For example, i could say something like, "Well sir that is quite possibly the ugliest child i've seen, bless his heart". No offense is taken in the end.

-Everybody owns a dog. I think even some cats own dogs. And they must be programmed to bark at guys in white shirts and ties with black name tags.

-Hearing an old southern grandmother say, "Hush yo mouf, honeychiiiild!" could put a smile on my face no matter how grumpy i could be.

-BBQ'd dove meat is actually tasty. It kinda tastes like jerky.

-the YM/YW in Georgia are pretty tight. (Hey, you know i had to give a shout out at some point. And i'll add South Carolina to that as well. They're cool too)

-Some girls (not all, so dont get all upset or anything) are attracted to guys with three things: 1.) A big truck and wear a frayed, matching hat of the type of truck. 2.) A scraggily beard/goatee/mustache that makes them look like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. 3.) A 4-wheeler that is frequently used for muddin' and huntin'. She'd be absolutely beautiful and she'd go out with some guy that'd make you go, "She choose THAT?!?!"....something that'd make you shake your head in disbelief.

-Rainstorms here in the West are nothing compared to that in the downpours. Go big or go home.

-Low-Country Boil and Banana Pudding were soooo good, i had to steal recipes and make them here.

So...i guess Ray Charles was right. I still have Georgia on my mind.

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