Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dear Future Wife...

(Seems only fair that since i made a letter to my future unborn children, why not make one to an alive person that i'll eventually marry? Sending an imaginary blog-letter up to heaven is a lot easier than to some woman i may or may not know. Plus the shipping would be a headache, but anyways...)

First off...i would really like to know who and where you are! Searching for has many headaches, not only for me but for others as well.

Please don't be scared off when im being polite or question my motives when i am friendly in a time of need. its just the kind of guy i was raised to be: a guy that is respectful.

Seems like every other guy here is dating or engaged. I'm struggling just to find someone to date regularly to (heaven forbid) become my girlfriend. I wish i knew the answer to that one. Why??? I don't have some factory default do i? Am i too tall? Too goofy? Too nice? Too boring? WHAT?!?!?! (i'm not yelling at you, it's just some venting frustration) may be asking what qualifications you need? I'm not some conceited prick that has a laundry list of superficial crap. (we all get old and ugly anyway) But anyways, here they are:

  • between the height of 4'11" and 6'2
  • either blonde, brown, black, or red hair
  • either brown, hazel, blue, green, etc. color of eyes
  • good personality that's compatible with mine. (this is a real kicker. When i say compatible i mean: doesn't guilt me for stupid crap, doesn't judge my motives to be bad or pity driven, doesn't HAVE to like sports; but at least supportive of my like for sports, can jam to my music right alongside with me, can be a dork with me too, etc...) 
  •  i need to be physically, spiritually, and emotionally attracted well as willing to stay in rexburg as i finish my bachelor's degree in 3 or so years.
I hope that you'll notice my good sides, and understand my weaknesses. I'll do the same for you, because neither one of us will be perfect, but it takes an imperfect two to eventually make a perfect one.

Before i finish, i must tell you this...i will love you and cherish you like you won't believe. I don't have a lot, but what i do have i'll give, and make sure that you made the right choice to be married and sealed to me for time and all eternity. Just let me find you...


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