Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friend Therapist

Saturday night in Rexburg...not the biggest fan of them, only because i usually have no plans for them (i should fix that, huh?)

Over the years, i have usually been the guy that a number of good friends will go to to vent, to ask advice, be a listening ear/crying shoulder for, and whatever kind of things friends go for. Some may be the kind that don't want to be a vent taker or hear anybody elses drama, but im the kind of breed that doesnt even mind at all. I don't know if that makes me sick to somehow want to hear, but deep down past all my sarcasm and guardedness, is a surprisingly big heart.

I guess part of it deals with my somewhat-not-new-yet-kinda-new plans for my future. At first and for the last few years, i was planning on going into teaching, specifically at the elementary level. Not the most glamorous job in the world, yes im aware of that. But after teaching people in Georgia on the mission for two years, followed by subsequent church callings with teaching, i figured thats what i needed to do! Hooray for teaching! Plus, teaching little kids learn sounds really fulfilling. During this semester, i took a class where i got to help teach little third graders, it was falling into place. But one day, i had a mental crash where i thought, " this what i really want to do???" I somehow incepted that into my brain and it's led me to want to change my major to psychology.

"But Peter, why change to psychology? What's wrong with being a teacher?"

Answer: nothing is wrong with it. But after thinking about it, it came to a few things: all the little details of lesson plans, the stress of dealing with performance-pay scales, and the other bureaucratic bullcrap that teachers have to endure, i had to reconsider. It was never an issue about money for me. But with psychology, i still get to be with people and help council them with problems in a more personal setting.

When i get approached with dating advice, i wonder always what to say because i have had little success in that area. (If you know me or have read my blog, then you know exactly what i mean) Perhaps it's because of my trademark honesty and non-canned answers. A motto of mine i try to use is "one does what one can".

In a way and in my mind, i feel like a friend therapist. A "Superman" of sorts. If someone needs help or advice, i try to fly in and help save the day as best i can. It works sometimes, and then i get the satisfaction of being able to help another person. Thats the kind of guy i am, surprise right? But when "Superman" is in trouble, who helps him?...

So anyways, i'll keep on doing what i do; being there for others. Next patient please...

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