Monday, February 20, 2012

Call me crazy or imaginative of a little of both, but...

Sometimes i like to imagine/daydream about my future kids. Not something you usually hear about from some guys, but you know at least one. I imagine that as they're kicking it up in Heaven waiting to be born, they look down at me from above. Hopefully im doing what i can so that they'd be proud of me, anxious to for me to be their dad. Since i can't talk to them or send a Facebook message, i'll just pretend to send them a letter in blog form. (just use your imagination)

Dear Future Kids,

Oh hey, it's me...your future dad. Can i call you David, Isabella, Shawn, and Chloe? I kind of already have some names in mind for you, so just go with it. Of course, your future mom will have a say in that, so these are just rough draft names for now. So how are you? I already know that answer in a way, since you're in Heaven with our Heavenly Father learning so much about what you're going to be experiencing when you come into this life. You know that it'll have it's ups and downs, but you also know that in the end it'll be all worth it.

I hope when you look down at me from up there, you can have a sense of what kind of guy i am. I'm trying my best down here. A lot of what i do is to be able to be a good father to you and husband to your future mom. Praying, reading scriptures, going to church, going to the temple, being a good all-around person,'s not just for me, it's also for you. Things that my mom and dad have taught me, i try to add upon so that you can be a better person than me. 

I wish you could help me with some hints of who your future mom will be. I'm trying to find her, but it's been pretty difficult. Rest assured, whoever the heck she is and if she can handle me as her husband, she'll be a great mom to you. A good way for me to show my love to you guys will be to love your future mom. And i sure as heck will, that's for dang sure. 

I'm excited when i get to hold you in my arms as a newborn, getting to give you each a blessing, seeing you laugh and smile and all the other things little kids do as they grow. Hopefully you'll have the blessing of height, perhaps even the "Beckman whirlpool" in your hair. I guess you know how you'll be, but im just having a little fun. I'll love you regardless.

I can't wait to see you in the future.

Your future dad

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