Saturday, April 7, 2012

What to say?

So i wrote a blog the other day about the end of the semester and what i learned and hope to accomplish this coming semester. Since then, i havent had much really to say or share!!!! WHAT?!?!

Which leaves me with this...what should i share about?

-It could be about my trip back to Colorado for the week. Yesterday was a reeeeeeeeeeeeeally long day. Got up super early to shower and finish up packing. On top of that, i had a bunch of my stuff from under my bed to put on top of my bed so that i wouldnt get in trouble with those sneaky Idaho White Glove people. Adding to that, i woke up and found out it was snowing after having a couple of gorgeous days in Rexburg....dang. I got all ready and headed out. Might i add and repeat once more for those who don't already know, i HATE driving through Wyoming. It's basically Kansas with mountains. Plus, when i stopped to get gas in Kemmerer, WY i got some basic beef jerky (Jack Links, baby) so i could eat on the go. No price tag on it didn't immediately tell me "hey, this is sketchy". When i bought it....$7!!! SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! Paying that price it should've been the best dang jerky ever, and it wasn't!!!! Curse you, Kemmerer. But after 11 long hours i made it home to enjoy some Qdoba and watch the Muppets movie.


-Today i reunited my mouth and stomach to the amazing heavenly taste of Blue Bell ice cream. I got my favorite flavor, too: Southern Blackberry Cobbler. AND it was $3 off at King Soopers so it only cost $3.99 for a whole half gallon! YEESSSSS!!!! And i also found out that underneath all that dirt and grime from the drive through the Idaho snow and Wyoming wind, my van is green afterall!


-I'm in definite "what is gonna happen this semester?" mode. I'll sit and stare out into space and try to think and overthink, but not too much. I know i've said much about that as well as dating, so i will try to not include that one here, haha. Besides i need some of that material once the semester is actually underway!


-Easter is tomorrow, and we get to commemorate and celebrate the Resurrection of the Savior, Jesus Christ. That event gave me and you and you and you and you and you and everyone the ability to be resurrected after this life. It was the capstone on the Atonement, which is awesome in of itself. Gives you hope that in spite of the fact that life gets really hard and confusing sometimes, it really all works out in the end. Once again, i'll share an Elder Holland quote.

 "My testimony to you this morning is that God does live and good does triumph. This is the true and living Church of the true and living Christ. And because of him and the restored gospel and the work of living prophets---there is for each of us individually and for all of us collectively, if we stay fixed and faithful in our purpose, a great final moment somewhere when we will stand with the angels "in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for [our] glory are manifest, past, present, and future" (D&C 130:7). That is a triumphant day for which I dearly long, and for which I earnestly pray for all of you. To earn the right to be there may we, as Alma said, "stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that [we] may be in, even until death" (Mosiah 18:9)  (Jeffrey R. Holland, "The Bitter Cup and the Bloody Baptism, Jan. 1987)

So what will i share and talk about?

Nothing, really. I just rambled on and on.

But kudos to you for staying and actually reading it all.

...You're welcome :)

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