Thursday, April 5, 2012

"The Semesters: Off-Track"

Sounds like a movie title, doesn't it?

Right now i should be packing and doing my Idaho White Glove cleaning since i head home for a week in the morning, but i need some kind of distraction. So how charming...a blog entry will do. Since the beginning of the my first semester Fall 2010, i end each one with a little summary of things i accomplished and what i want to do for the coming semester. The second one for Spring 2011 was totally BS-ed, so i won't revert to that for this one. But i actually do have a few things, even though i was off-track.

If i had to come up with a choice of words to sum this last few months would be this: "gut check". Both good and bad happened...
-A got a really good job at a developmental disability care center working with some awesome people. It has opened my eyes of understanding to those who have developmental disabilities and how challenging it must be for there care-takers, who spend countless hours with them.
-I was called to be the executive secretary in my ward and got to meet and become familiar with most people in my ward and make a lot of new friends
-This was the best semester i've had so far with having roommates, we all got along great. All but one are returning for Spring (give 'em heaven in France, Blake) We might lose up to three in the Fall because of mission plans and two possible marriages, but we'll see on those last two.

However, the big moment came when i was broken up with back in January. Most of you are familiar with this, so i'll end it right here.

The happened at the beginning of the semester, and it set me back quite a bit. Only lately have i been coming back out of my shell and being my complete self. *Fingers Crossed* that it continues.

So what do i want to do differently for Spring 2012?

-Be more organized and planned out. I'll have work, school, church calling, and a social life....YES IT IS POSSIBLE PEOPLE!!! It just has to be planned out and scheduled. Im not one to hide myself in my room doing nothing but homework. By being balanced out, i get to be greedy and have all four. The trick i want to do is to be "effective" in all the categories, not just skim across them just to say that i did them all. I want to be magnifying my calling, do well on my school work, continue to have my job and operate at a good level, and have meaningful dates.

-Speaking of dating, i want to get back out there and date. Now that im crawling back out of my shell, i need to be a bit proactive. I WILL NOT BE A DATE-MONGER! I do not believe that going on tons of dates with tons of girls just for the heck of it to be affective. I want to date, get to know personally, and then see what goes from there. I'm pretty excited to see what can happen.

-Be a better home-teacher. I barely got to know the guys i home taught, and i visited the girls and made sure i got the "at least 1 visit a month" deal, but i want to be more than that. I want to be a home-teacher that is a friend and can be counted on to help.

Not to be anti-climatic, but thats about the gist of what i want to do. So many other little details will happen, but i can only type and procrastinate cleaning for so long.

Well Mr. Off-track, i wont miss you too terribly. Lets get Spring going good

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