Thursday, August 8, 2013

Some parting words to singlehood

So now it's down to being single digits for days until i get married...SINGLE DIGITS! All the headaches and annoyances that have been said and posted on Facebook get to now come to fruition and be a reality. All those pointless angry posts can be even more buried away, thank goodness. Now don't take this thing as a "woohoo no more being single! suck it, single friends! Oh man, i better be annoying and rub this in the face of everyone and remind them via Facebook every single day that i'm going to get married and how wonderful it is and blah blah blah" Nope, just 'cause i'm not one to do that. But i do have some parting words about being single taught me. It's dangerous to be all bloggy around 1 AM when i should be going to bed, but i know i'll just forget it all in the morning if i don't, so whatever. Essentially i just want to say this: Dating is as complicated as you make it. That's it

The years leading up to where i am now, i was this when it came to dating: too excited at a dating opportunity and then i got impatient and tried to go to fast. Didn't work. And i just got to use a Tommy Boy clip, so hey it worked.

Over time until i got to about April 2012, i just did what i always did and went about doing nice things and someone appreciated it and ended up loving me for it.

The point is this:

Women: Be honest and tell the truth about how you feel and wait for Lord's timing
Men: Be honest and tell the truth about how you feel and wait for Lord's timing

See what i did there? Yeah...not too complicated. Looking back, it makes much more sense. If both men and women just said straight up the truth and were honest about how they feel, probably less would have such a hard time with dating. If you're doing all you can and still nothing, that's fine; it works out eventually. You think i wanted to be 25 just get married? No, but it worked out and it's the right time. Same applies for all.

Now i better go to bed before i say more that goes unread :P


  1. Good lesson to learn. Waiting on the Lord's timing can be hard, but so important. It's like baking - some things are "done" more quickly, like cookies, others take longer, like brownies. If you try to hurry the cooking time, either by just taking them out early or by increasing the heat or something, you'll never end up with the delicious dessert you could have had. You just need to be patient and let each unique thing have the unique time it needs. And sometimes, even at the end, you'll find something needs another minute or so. And that's OK too. As long as everything gets what it individually needs. :)

  2. And believe me, it applies to far more than dating. ;)
