Wednesday, May 15, 2013

So this is how it feels

Alright, a post that isn't for my FAM 160 class! I pretty much just thought about it as i was getting ready for bed, 'cause i wouldn't be able to fall asleep until i typed this up, so here i am barely awake and making a new blog entry! That usually goes well...

So for those who didn't know already (which is very few i imagine), but i got engaged just a week and a half ago! woohoo!!!! It was certainly a very good day indeed and can't wait to see what unfolds in the future for me and my soon-to-be wife, Natalie. So as i was brushing my teeth, i was thinking about it and the "so this is what it feels like" feeling hit me. You know, the feeling you get when something good seems to FINALLY happen to you and then you get to see why everyone really enjoys it. I remember feeling it when i graduated high school 7 years ago (yikes!). I'd see the seniors and all the cool stuff they get to experience and i was like, "man that'll be awesome when i get to be a senior and walk across the stage to get my diploma". And then it happened and it was great. Then when it was leaving to serve a mission. After three weeks that felt more like three years were over, i finally got to go into the field and experience first hand all that the mission offers and then again when i came home after the two years. Sad to say, i felt that "so this is what it feels like" when i got my first girlfriend ever after almost a year from coming home. Those who know me (or have at least read my blogs) know that marriage has been one of the biggest things i have prayed for and longed for a while, but had to go through A LOT of heartache and headaches to get to this point. One time i got super close to just being engaged last year but then it fell apart and was one of the worst few months i can remember. Now that i've reached this point, i look back and see where i've been and where it has taken me to get to this point right now. The road to get here being engaged sucked, but i love it now knowing that the Lord prepared me for it and to be with someone that is truly wonderful. This "so this is what it feels like" will only continue throughout life, with the next big one coming in August when it all becomes official, followed by children in the future and graduating from college and so on.

So this is what it feels like....i like it

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