Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Crazy how things change

So apparently i caused a mini stir the other day on Facebook. I posted a status about my excitement to get married and how awesome it will be, and a ton of people confused it to be a engagement announcement. First off, IM NOT of now. I gotta wait a little bit (as in, she has to be back in Rexburg first, and that ain't happening until April) and secondly, if i was engaged, then EVERYBODY would know very matter-of-factly. Just as a little heads up for everyone :).

In any case, as i was thinking of posting this, it occurred to me just how crazy things change from a year ago until now. Last year, i was a week or so away from getting dumped by my then girlfriend after dating for about a couple months. I had wanted to marry her, but obviously that wasnt going to happen. Today, im dating Ms. Natalie Elias and going on 8 1/2 months strong (despite the cross-country distance at the moment) Of course her and i have talked marriage many times. I guess thats the reason for this little thing here.

Most people who have known me are aware that i talk about marriage in general A LOT. Part of it is because i want to go into possible marriage counseling, the other part is that i've always thought and been taught that it's a pretty awesome thing. It may annoy some, but im pretty unapologetic when it comes to this topic.

It's taken a good while, but i feel that i have been molded in a way that helps me ready for marriage. Some friends i have talked to have mentioned their hesitancy with wanting to get married. I'm curious and ask "why?" The general theme is a sort of unsure feeling about themselves (insecurities), or worried about finding the right one, or even thinking that single life is more fun. Whatever the reason is, those friends i know are not as enthused about it as i am. I can understand why they may think that. But for me, all i know is that the biggest and best goal a person can make is getting married and sealed to a spouse for time and all eternity in the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage (which is the highest covenant you can make in life, which sounds pretty awesome to me)

For me, i am WAY excited to get married. Besides the big obvious thing you get to do when you're married, i know of a few more, deeper things im excited for when im married. (specifically to Natalie)

-First off, i cant wait to wake up that first morning and the first thing i see is my brand new wife. No make up, hair not done, in pajamas, and just as beautiful as anything. We get to wake up and make breakfast for each other and just chillax the day together. To me, i feel that when you get married, its like you start a new life. For how many years, you grow and mature and do things to prepare you for this moment. When you get there, some things you get rid of and assume this new role as a spouse. You get to cook together, budget together, serve together, laugh together, cry together, and so on. Your total independence is altered in a way where "I" becomes "WE".

-Another one is that you get to have your own little family together; the way you feel is best for everyone. Some things that i didnt necessarily grow up with much; i'll now get to do it with my own children. You can start new traditions and new ideas to bless your family. I imagine myself quite often playing with my future children: feeding them, walking with them, babble-talking with them and so on. I guess i kinda geek out with that.

-And another example would be is that you have someone to do something with all the time. Whether they're your date or a "partner in crime" sorta speak (legally). Sure i can have fun going out to eat or watching a movie or cooking or what have you. But for me, it's even better when you have "someone by your side to sing along" (got that Muppets reference?) In the future, i'd love to take vacations to places i love already and also places i've never been to; but it would make the trip so much more worthwhile to share that experience right beside my wife. I tend to have more fun alongside someone else.

Being at BYU-I, it's almost a joke that someone is excited to get married and should just settle down and have fun going on a ton of dates and crazy outings. Meh...doesnt thrill me as much and seems like just a big waste of time. I want my new chapter in the "Book of Peter" to begin. It'll be hard, yes. Difficult, i know. Stressful, no doubt. But living that chapter and all the happiness that comes with it far outweighs how hard of a read it'll be.

I seem to be forever the optimist when it comes to wanting to get married? Sure, i may get some grief about it but i dont really give a crap. I know what is important in my life and i want to chase it as much as possible. As Bart Scott once said, i "CANT WAIT!" :)

That chapter is almost ready to get started writing. Where's my pen?

1 comment:

  1. I already told Natalie this, but I better get an invitation to your wedding! I love you two :)
